Are you a McKinley Tenant?

Join the McKinley Tenants Association!


You are currently trying to raise our rent by up to $270 per month. Some tenants are facing increases of over 20%.

You say you're raising rents because of market forces, but you own 60% of workforce housing in Washtenaw County, meaning your rent increases are the market forces.

As rent increases far outpace wage increases, we are being forced to move farther away from the communities where we work. We believe that teachers should have the option to live close to their schools. Nurses should have the option to live close to the hospital.

The conditions in our apartments are abysmal. We live with mold, mildew, mice, and flooded basements and laundry rooms. Our water has been shut off, or we have not had hot water. This is a regular occurrence.

We are shining a light on what we believe is an immoral business model of allowing apartment buildings to crumble while squeezing their tenants for every last dime.

-McKinley Tenant's Association


  1. No increase in rent for leases signed in 2023

  2. Humane, livable conditions: More responsiveness from maintenance / Maintenance to respond within 24 hours / high quality repairs

  3. Mold remediation

  4. No threats of rent increases for not signing a lease early

  5. No increase to the late fees (they have recently gone from $30 to $100)

  6. Give a 10 day grace period to allow tenants to pay rent on time

  7. Remove storage fees

  8. Dismissal of pet fees

  9. Free laundry, provided by McKinley

-The McKinley Tenants Association